Home DIY

How to get the clutter in your under-sink kitchen cabinet in shape.

How to get the clutter in your under-sink kitchen cabinet in shape.

Oh yes, the dreaded under-sink cabinet disaster. First things first: Take everything out and take inventory. Give everything a good wipe down, paying special attention to the cabinet area. While you’re at it, check for any leaks. Then take measurements of your storage space and make note of the plumbing that often takes up space.

Now it's time to downsize your hoard of cleaning products. Toss any product that is expired and use any small amount of cleaner immediately to save on space.

After all that fun it's time to go shopping! I recommend installing roll-out drawers for inside the cabinet and over-the-door storage for everyday items such as gloves, sponges, scrubbers and dish soaps. Always place "like" cleaners together and frequently used items toward the front for easy access. Happy organizing!

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